Millennials and YouTube

Millennials and YouTube
Being the largest demographic in the U.S. millennials are the most studied.
One area of interest that is highly discussed is marketing to millennials and for good reason. If a millennial loves your brand you could have a customer for decades. To properly market to millennials you need to understand millennial traits. Here are some millennial marketing traits when it comes to YouTube.
They are self-starters and doers. Forget books and instruction manuals—millennials have video. In fact, when learning something new, millennials are 2.7X as likely to prefer to do so by watching a YouTube video compared to reading a book.
For millennials, self-improvement trumps self-promotion. Forty-seven percent of millennials say they’ve watched YouTube videos to improve their health or feel better after feeling down.
Millennials are dreamers. Millennials believe it’s important to hear perspectives of others who differ from them.
Millennials are growing up and gaining influence and buying power. Marketing to them is of upmost importance as many of them are now making big life decisions. It is important to connect with them through your marketing.
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