Using YouTube as an Education Tool
When one thinks of YouTube, thoughts of “bad lip readings” and “dad joke contests” might come to mind. But, what if someone told you that YouTube was actually a means of education? Rather than just a continuous stream of humor and randomness, one of YouTube’s top three searches is actually educational means. Whether it be how to cook a turkey for Thanksgiving, to questions to expect in your interview process, YouTube is becoming a platform in which many are turning to for more than just a hearty laugh.
How does this help brands and advertisers? Well, if companies learn why and how people are flocking to YouTube for educational videos, they can better target their consumers, as well as attract those who are not.
These are the three things that companies can learn from YouTube’s educational content:
#1) Mix fun with fundamentals.
As any proficient educator knows, you have to mix education with some spice. If you want to give your audience something they’ll view, or potentially share on other social media platforms, you’ll need to create something more than just an educational video—it has to have some personality. A good idea for marketers is to watch other videos that have mastered mixing education with entertainment. Remember, just because your video isn’t specifically a tutoring session, doesn’t mean it can’t soar in the learning section on YouTube!
#2) Go niche.
A problematic scenario that marketers can have is trying to cover too many bases at a time. Focus on what audience you’re specifically targeting and what sort of questions they are asking. However, before figuring out what your demographic is asking of your business or brand, make sure you can answer their questions. Start by knowing what information you’re an expert on and go from here. You can consult services such as Google Trends if you’re unsure of what’s being widely searched for. Finally, keep in mind that niche questions are more commonly searched for than broader topics. For example, instead of making a “how to better your resume” video, consider relating it to your company’s field (medicine, law, chemical engineering, etc.).
#3) Find your brand’s style.
The final step in solidifying your brand on YouTube as an educational source is finding a specific style to stick to. Ever watch a blogger who has a certain way they conduct all of their videos? Perhaps they speak directly into the camera with fun music playing lowly in the background. Maybe, it’s a series of animations with voiceovers. You have options from blog videos, animations, music to illustrations. Whatever style fits your company most suitably, do it and do it well. Audiences will be more likely to recognize your educational-entertainment videos if you remain with a unique video style. Keep it consistent and keep it fun!
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